Chassis / IP20 — 1/8 to 5 HP 14
KB’s AC drives provide variable speed for 3ph AC Induction motors from 1/8 through 5 horsepower. For OEM applications, custom drives are also available for Brushless DC, PMSM, PSC, and Shaded Pole motors. They are available in 115, 208/230, and 400/460 VAC – 50/60 Hz with 1ph and 3ph input.
All KB’s AC Drives contain Sensorless Flux Vector Compensation with Static-Auto-Tune. This provides excellent speed regulation from zero to full load over a wide frequency range. These drives provide auto energy savings at light loads and smooth motor torque operation.
A variety of optional accessories are also available to meet the most demanding applications.
KBVF Hybrid Drive™ - Chassis / IP20
The KBVF Series of Adjustable Frequency Drives consist of sixteen inverter models rated for 1/10 to 5 horsepower motors. These chassis / IP 20 drives are ideal for OEM applications where digital programming and displays are not required. Hybrid drives are digital drives with an analog interface. Product Brochure, Manual for 1 Phase Input, Manual for 3-Phase Input.
Options: Drive-Link Programming Kit, SIVFR Signal Isolator and Run Fault Relay (Standard on 460 VAC models), DIVF Modbus Serial Communication Module, Class “A” or “B” (CE) RFI Filter, DBVF Dynamic Brake Module, Multi-Speed Board, KBRK Remote Digital Keypad (OEM applications only) and IOVF Input/Output Multi-Function Module.
KBDF Digital Drive - IP20
The KBDF Series of Adjustable Frequency Drives consist of fourteen inverter models rated for 1/8 to 5 horsepower motors. These drives are housed in IP 20 enclosures. They are ideal for OEM applications where digital programming and displays are required. All models are available with a built-in CE approved AC Line Class “A” Industrial Standard RFI (EMI) Filter.
Options: Memory Module, IODF Input/Output Multi-Function Expansion Module, Drive-Link Programming Kit and Modbus Serial Communication Module.
¹Add “F” Suffix to Model Number for Built-In Class “A” (CE) RFI (EMI) AC Line Filter. Ex. KBDF-24F.